Hero Pose – Virasana

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Yoga Articles

Type of pose: Seated

Benefits: Stretches thighs and ankles, improves posture

Note: Be very careful of the knees in this pose. Sit up on a block if you have any knee discomfort.


1. Start in a kneeling position.

2. Keep the knees together as you separate the feet, bringing your butt down to the floor between your feet.

3. Make sure that you are not sitting on the feet, but between them.

4. Make sure the feet stay straight, turning neither inward nor outward.

Beginners: Take padding under the sit bones, if necessary. Use a yoga block or a blanket, depending on how high you need to be.

Advanced: If you feel very comfortable seated, move on to reclined hero pose – supta virasana.

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