Bird of Paradise

October 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Yoga Articles

Type of pose: Standing, balancing

Benefits: Strengthens the legs, improves balance, opens the groins and hamstrings


1. Begin in bound extended side angle pose.

2. Turn your gaze to the floor and step the back foot forward so that the feet are parallel at the front of the mat. Keep the bind while you do this.

3. Shift your weight into your free leg (the unbound one).

4. Slowly bring yourself up to standing, keeping the bind and therefore lifting the bound leg up with you.

5. When you feel steady, extend the bound leg to a straight position. Bring the gaze over your opposite shoulder.

6. To come out, slowly lower the bound leg to the floor. Step the free leg to the back of the mat, reversing the process you used to come into the pose.

7. Repeat on the other side.

Beginners: Stop whenever you find yourself needing to release the bind. You can use a strap instead of binding with your hands if you want to continue.

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