Crow Pose – Bakasana

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Yoga Articles

Also known as: Crane Pose

Type of pose: Arm Balance

Benefits: Strengthens the wrist, forearms and abdomen; improves balance


1. Bending the knees slightly, bring your palms flat on the floor about shoulder distance apart.

2. Place the knees on the back of the upper arms.

3. Start to come forward, lifting the head as you go.

4. Take feet off the floor, one at a time, so you come to balance with both feet up.

Beginners: Try lifting one foot up at a time to get a feel for how far forward you need to bring yourself. Do not let your head drop. This will cause you to tip forward and lose balance. Put a blanket in front of you so you won’t be afraid of hitting your head if you fall. Everyone falls when learning this pose.

Advanced: Once you come up into the pose, do not let your elbows splay out to either side. Work on straightening your arms. Tuck the heels in close to your butt, and jump back to Chaturanga.

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