Side Crow

February 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Yoga Articles

Also known as: Side Crane Pose

Type of pose: Arm balance

Benefits: Strengthens the wrist, forearms and abdomen. Improves balance.


1. Come to a squatting position with the knees into the chest.

2. Come up on to the balls of your feet and bring your palms flat on the floor in front of you about shoulder’s distance apart.

3. Keeping the palms in place, turn your knees to face the right side.

4. Start to lean forward, keeping the head lifted, and place your hips on top of the left arm and your knees on top of the right arm.

5. Take one foot and then the other off the floor so you come to balance with both feet up.

6. Come down and try the other side.

Beginners: Try lifting one foot up at a time to get a feel for how far forward you need to bring yourself. Do not let your head drop! This will cause you to tip forward and lose balance. Put a blanket in front of you so you won’t be afraid of hitting your head if you fall. Most everyone falls when learning this pose.

Advanced: Try the following variations:

Straighten both legs, keeping the feet in line with the hips.

Straighten both legs, and move the right leg to the back (see photo).

Come down and this time center the thighs on the left arm bringing all your weight onto the left arm when you come up.

Jump back to chaturanga.

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