Tripod Headstand – Salamba Sirsasana II

October 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Yoga Articles

Type of Pose: Inversion

Benefits: Improves balance and core strength.

Also Known As: Sirsasana B


1. Begin in a wide-legged forward bend.

2. Bring your head to the floor. You may need to bend your knees to do this.

3. Bring the palms flat on the floor and bend the elbows to 90 degrees.

4. Make sure that the head and your two palms form an equilateral triangle and do not allow the elbows to splay out.

5. Shift your weight forward onto your head and hands so that you can lift the feet from the floor.

6. Slowly bring the legs together until they are perpendicular to the floor. Once you are up, stay here five to ten breaths. Make sure to press strongly into your palms the whole time.

7. To come out, reverse the process by first bringing the legs wide and then lowering them slowly to the floor so that you come back into your wide-legged forward bend.

Beginners: After step 5, bring your knees to rest on the shelf made by your upper arms. Practice balancing here. If you feel stable enough, try bringing the knees together at the level of your stomach and straightening the legs up from there.

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