Yogitoes Skidless Towel

October 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Yoga Articles

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Walk into a vinyasa-style yoga class these days, and you will see a lot of brightly colored Yogitoes Skidless towels adorning the mats around the room. These mat-size towels (a hand-size version is also available) are especially popular with people who practice Ashtanga and hot yoga. But what benefits can they offer your practice?

Reduced Slipping

When you start to generate some heat during a yoga session, your palms and feet soles can get sweaty, causing you to lose traction with the mat. This is more of a problem for some (you know who you are) than others. If you have chronic slipping issues, the Skidless towel provides a grippier surface than the average yoga mat — thanks to silicone nubs that cover the surface of the towel, adhering it to your mat. Unlike traditional Ashtanga rugs, also used to prevent slippage, the Skidless does not have to be made wet before class. The Skidless is also a lot less bulky than most rugs.

Mat Preservation

Some practices (Ashtanga, for instance) are really hard on mats, shredding holes where your hands and feet rest. The Skidless acts as a mat protector, increasing your mat’s lifespan and reducing the waste and expense created by regularly buying new mats. Though the Skidless is a bit pricey, about $50, it will pay off if you replace your mat several times year.


Bringing your own Skidless is a good way to create a barrier between you and a communal mat of dubious cleanliness. The Skidless folds up smaller and is easier to carry than the average yoga mat.
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